Email Marketing -Your biggest asset

Discover powerful email marketing strategies that will not only increase sales but also the frequency of purchase.

George Tampakas


If you took everything from me and leave me only with my email list , I’d gained it all back in a very short period of time

George Tampakas Internet Wizard LTD

A lot can happen in an online business.

the server can be burned and all the data can be lost. Your site can be hit  by a hacker or even can eat cuff by Google and may fall to the 100th page ranking

Many things can happen, a lot can be lost, except from the real capital of the company.

When I think of an online business, there are only a few real assets that I can recognize.

Certainly one of them and maybe the most important is the email list.

Whatever happens, no one can take away from you the list.

You can click on it and create income out of thin air.

Its power is enormous!

Money through the internet are on the list and more specifically the relationship you have with the list.

The technique of how to build a list of emails of people interested in the products or services you sell and how to earn money from this list, is called email marketing.

Let's see how it works.

The visitor enters his email address in one registration form located on your website and is now on your list.

Then, he starts receiving a sequence of emails which have two objectives.

The first is the emotional connection or identification with the prospective customer, a factor that greatly influences sales.

The second goal of these emails is of course to promote your products and services.

The whole process is fully automated, since emails are automatically sent by the system.

You simply choose when to send them. You can register for example in the system, that the first email will be sent the day after the registration, the second one day after the first, third two days after the second and so on.

You can create a sequence that will last for six months! Which in my opinion it is necessary.

Of course you can always send an unrelated email to your entire list, whenever you have something to pass on or sell.

Important emails are the first emails . It is those emails that create the connection.

They are those that set the foundation for the relationship to be created on your list. The better the relationship, the more responsive the list will be in your emails.

If from what you have read , wisely in my opinion , understood the power of email marketing and want to apply it to your business, please contact us.

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